defined services
for defined results
what to know
before your visit…
- Do not pick, tweeze, wax, tint or perform electrolysis for 3 days before your service.
- Do not tan for two weeks prior to your service or have a sunburned face.
- Do not have any type of facial for 2 weeks prior to appointment.
- Do not work out the day of your service. I recommend not working out for 1 week after your service. The drier you keep your brows, the less they will fade.
- Do not have botox and/or fillers for 3 weeks prior to your service.
- Do not take fish oil or vitamin E for one week prior to your service as these are natural blood thinners.
- Do not consume alcohol for 24-38 hours prior to your service as to avoid excessive bleeding.
- Do not consume caffeine the day of your procedure.
- Do not take asprin or Ibuprofen before your procedure as these are blood thinners.
- Please note that clients who are on their menstrual cycle may be more sensitive.
- Smoking and excessive bleeding tend to effect healing and pigment retention.
- All after care products and instructions will be given to you at the time of your appointment.